It seems these days, finding time to write is a luxury. At least, that is what I tell myself. I'm too busy, I have a lot going on, I'm doing stuff, rather than writing about it. Well, it is all BULLSHIT.
Sitting down at the computer after a day of being on the PC at work seems like a chore. I am barely on social media anymore. Facebook has become a world of political opinionists, dramatic friends that overshare, and a deluge of horrific stories from the news channels on subjects and people that I would NEVER associate with. Reading Facebook at the end of the day is an exercise in blocking people and editing my news feed or scrolling practice. It's not fun
My focus these days has been guilty TV (I'm really getting into the X-Files), remodeling my mother-in-law's (soon to be our NEW) house, and trying the healthy eating-working out route. Some is working, some is failing, but we are pushing for a strong finish. More soon.. I'll MAKE TIME