I want to start by saying I am not endorsing any GOP Candidate as of right now. I like what Marco Rubio and Ben Carson have to say, but I'm looking for a little more maturity from Rubio and a little more experience from Carson. I like a few others, but I'll leave it at that.
My question is directed at the Illegal Immigration plan that Mr Trump has come up with. I'm not going to say I like or I hate the plan. I think it has flaws. I think it's a good first idea, but there is no way he will be able to deport 11M illegal immigrants with a wave of his wand. My question is simple. Who will pick the tomatoes?
Now, at first glance, it seems like a stereotypical crude question. I understand that. I'm not saying only Mexicans work the fields.. At all. But I will say that in South Florida, 95% of the immigrant farm workers are of Mexican descent, albeit legal or illegal. They are hard-working and while, yes, there's crime, there's no more crime than say in Houston, where a criminal (who is a US Citizen) shot a police officer 15 times, for being a police officer.
So, I ask the question again with a little more depth: Who will work the fields that have been slaved over (YES SLAVED OVER) by these hard working individuals? I have spoken to a few of them and they receive a pittance for working from sun-up to sun-down. Someone will have to do it. Mr Trump claims that the Mexicans and other "illegals" have taken our jobs. Who wants that job?
I personally have a family member (that will remain nameless) who was out of work for 3 years because he didn't want to demean himself at working at a McDonald's. This is the type of lazy sons of bitches (women and men the same) that we have living here. Entitled people that feel the government owes them, rather than stoop to work at a McDonald's, much less a farm picking bushels of tomatoes at $4.00/barrel.
As I said at the beginning, I think Trump's plan has too many flaws. I think everyone can be interviewed and everyone should have a fair chance of staying here if there purpose is to work. Jobs are created at the social worker level and real people that can add to our society can start to fend for themselves. Of course there are thugs that only come here to take advantage of our society. That is everywhere, and oh, by the way, some of those people are citizens too. I really do believe you can't judge the actions of three criminals in a sea of 11M.
Being from Florida and there being such a melting pot of individuals here, it's difficult to be on board with what Trump is talking about. My own family left Cuba through Mexico and my mother had to stay behind in Mex City for a year before crossing the border (at first illegally, but being from Cuba and different times... etc) I think there is room for the right people. People willing to work. People willing to contribute. If not, then why does the Statue of Liberty have an inscription which reads:
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
That leads me to believe that everyone is welcome until they do something to warrant being unwelcome. I'm the proud daughter of Cuban immigrants that fought with every fiber in their being to be in this greatest of countries. I never forget my heritage and I'm proud to be an American. Everyone worthy should have the opportunity to feel that pride.